Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Autumnal Equinox -Mabon Date: ​Annually on September 21/ 22

The days and nights are of equal length, as the light continues its descent. The Sun King is interred. The Goddess laments the loss of her Consort and descends to the Underworld in search of him. There she encounters the Dark God and submits to his will. The two are united, representing the union of Thanatos and Eros. However, the Dark God is sterile, so no child can be born from their union. The Goddess assumes the aspect of the Dark Queen.

Light:Light near death
God and Goddess: The God, in his aspect as Forest King, reaches his final days. The Goddess mourns him and prepares for sleep.
Gods of Light and Darkness:​ The God of Darkness reaches maturity and defeats his alter-ego, the God of Light. The Goddess and the God of Darkness conceive the Dark Child that will be born at Litha.


As the pagan Thanksgiving, Mabon reminds us to look back on everything we have achieved and be grateful for what we have. However, since we are focusing on balance during this celebration, it’s also a great time to look at what is not working in our lives and put an end to or shift the energy around anything that’s not working for us. The best way to celebrate Mabon? Gather your friends around for a great meal, have a few drinks, and talk about what you’re grateful for. The warmth of love and friendship will get you through the cold winter that is to come.

Second harvest, equality, balance, thankfulness, transition.
Wine, gourds, pine cones, corn, apples, acorns, vines.
Loaves of bread, nuts, apples, potatoes, carrots, and onions.
Red, orange, maroon, brown, and gold.
Lapis lazuli, yellow agates, amber, citrine, tiger’s eye.
Rosemary, sage, chamomile, rose hips, walnut leaves, saffron, dried apple.