
I could write you a ritual, a house blessing, or a simple spell for Imbolc, but that would be too simple. Instead, I’ll give you more- I’ll give you my piece of Imbolc.

Imbolc has always been about welcoming the spring and seeing the winter slip away. We welcome and see the goddess return to her maiden form. Brigit brings the fire to light, guide, and guard our homes & hearths. We gather a little longer to see out winter with the last jars of the harvest, the last bread of the season, & continue to feed the fire in our hearth.

Imbolc is a time of reflection. A time of solitude and reflection of the season we are leaving. We have seen & felt the wrath of winter. Now we must think and plan for the spring to come. We seek abundance & good health for the new year. Planning is critical in order to see the future as we wish to see it be. 

Any improvement rather to ourselves or our homes, reflection is key. It is the key to see where & how we can improve. What we can do to help our neighbors, friends, strangers, & our own family. Everyone Hopes for a better future- but hope starts with us.

Be The Hope

Be The Key

Be The Change You Seek

-Mother Teresa- 
“I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”






Let Go & Let Be

       January is known for its beginnings of new projects (New Year Resolutions), new chances BUT for me, it’s time to just let go & let be. Some people want to lose weight, others better habits but the one thing most everyone has in common is the something new.        While January starts the year, it’s also the time to set time to review the year, review yourself, & lastly to rejuvenate our body, soul, and mind. Self-Reflection is a promise of knowledge, wisdom, and growth.

      We have come so far in 2019 but some of us not as far as we wished.
December, we pushed to make last notes, last big changes, and adjustments but what about ourselves? What did we do for ourselves?


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